Friday, August 3, 2012


We will arrive in Santiago tomorrow morning. It sounds so surreal to say that and even more so to write it. It's funny how we've known the destination of our journey all along but the idea of actually arriving is so overwhelming. We've always known that we would somehow end up in Santiago de Compostela at the Cathedral where St. James is buried. We knew we would obtain our Compostelas that signify our accomplishment, we knew we would attend the Pilgrim Mass held at noon, and we knew there would be many graces given to us. But we never could have known how we would be so changed. How thirty days of walking and living a simple life and appreciating the smallest things would affect who we are. I think I can speak for all of us in that this journey has affected us profoundly and it will continue to do so. I hope I never forget the beauty of this place, but most of all the real friendships that have sprung up so unexpectedly, the true caring and sacrifice and vulnerability that we have shown one another. We are all suffering and struggling and so much is unclear, but we are never alone.  God speaks to us in so many ways, and sometimes He has shouted at us, but mostly He speaks in a small whispering sound. He changes our hearts and our minds and puts people in our paths and without us even noticing, something beautiful has happened. Thank you for all of your prayers. We have carried you in our hearts and minds and we will be laying all these intentions down in Ssntiago tomorrow. I can't believe I will be there in twelve hours. Praise God.

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